Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:36 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Billie Joe
File Size
62 KB
I don't know you but I think I hate you
You're the rea-son for my mis-er-y
Strange how you've be-come my big-gest en-e- my
And I've nev-er ev-en seen your face
Well may-be it's just jeal-ous-y
Mix-ing up with a vio-lent mind
A cir-cum-stance that does-n't make much sense
Or may- be I'm just dumb
You're the cloud hang-ing out ov-er my head
Hail comes crash-ing down welt-ing my face
Mag-ic man e-go-cen-tric plas-tic man
Yet you still got one ov-er on me
Well may-be it's just jeal-ous-y
Mix-ing up with a vio-lent mind
A cir-cum-stance that does-n't make much sense
Or may- be I'm just dumb
I'm a chump